Saturday, April 14, 2012

Chunky Chair Outdoor Patio Furniture For Big and Tall

Above is the blog post title that gets all the hits despite being 18 months old, so I am using it again. I am designing and will sell a heavy duty strong, solid, safe and ugly patio chair to comfortably seat fat & happy, heavy & tall, big & beautiful people safely and comfortably. I realized no one builds a sold strong out door, patio, garden chair for big guys and girls. Butt height seat, solid and secure no frills safe chair. Stay tuned.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Alive and Kicking

However I cannot get the new design right. The first Chunky Chair in the photos is as solid and strong as the day I built it. It has been sitting on my patio for over 2 years, looks exactly the same as when it was built.

I sit on my Chunky Chair most days either with a cup of tea, to throw milk bones for my dog to chase, to read outside or all three.

The chair still has a cheap lawn chair cushion I bought from Target(it's in the top set of photos), is comfortable and more important feels as solid as a rock. Because of it's weight and strong construction when I sit down it does not flex, shake, tremor or show any signs of weakness whatsoever.

Short & Fat, Big & Tall, Chunky or Obese this garden, patio, outdoor chair supports everyone. My goal is to make a smaller version with less length and mass. Reduce the leg area and find a better back support method.

It will always be built on wheels, be very heavy, very strong and I am sure ugly as hell. It is designed to support big, fat & heavy people to allow us to sit outside on a safe strong comfortable year round patio chair without lowering ourselves onto close-to-the-ground chairs that are difficult to get up from or sit on inside furniture brought outside for us.

Built at butt height, you lower yourself an inch or two to sit, you swing your body put your feet on the ground and stand up easily to get off. Nothing fancy.

I'll get back to you on my design drought.